Legal Disclaimer
The information, opinions, content, publication or any other literature found on our website are set out for the purpose of providing general information. They do not, in any way, constitute legal or professional advice. The information, opinions, content, publication or any other literature found on our website are set out in broad and general nature and do not cater to individual circumstances. You should not rely on content, opinions or publications found on our website as legal or professional advice. We will not be liable for any loss or damage arise from your reliance on content, opinions, publications or any other material on our website.
Free Immigration Advice
- Initial Case Assessment
As part of our Free Initial Case Assessment program, we have undertaken to answer questions from member of the public related to our areas of expertise and to provide a quick and broad based initial assessment of their cases free of charge.
Please note that the information we provide as part of this program is solely intended to give a broad analysis of the positions of individuals concerned and to provide broad based indications as to what options may be available to them. The information provide as part of this program do not, in any way, constitute legal or professional advice and it should not be relied on as legal or professional advice. We will not be liable for loss or damage arising from your reliance on information provided in this context and as part of this program.
Where you wish to instruct Legafit Solicitors to act as your representatives on the basis of information provide as part of our Free Initial Case Assessment program, we will arrange a Full Consultation with you to establish the facts and advise comprehensively on your position before accepting instructions.
- Free Over the Phone Assessment
We also invite those with legal queries relating to our areas of practice to call us directly and speak to one of our lawyers for up to 5 minutes free of charge. The information provided by our lawyers as part of this program is solely intended for the purposes of giving broad based information and indications of the solutions that may be available.
The information provide as part of this program do not, in any way, constitute legal or professional advice and it should not be relied on as legal or professional advice. We will not be liable for loss or damage arising from your reliance on information provided in this context and as part of this program.
Where you wish to instruct Legafit Solicitors to act as your representatives on the basis of information provide as part of our Free Over the Phone Assessment program, we will arrange a Full Consultation with you to establish the facts and advise comprehensively on your position before accepting instructions.